Breaking Down Barriers: The Power and Convenience of Virtual Visits for Your Health

Variety Care expands Telehealth Offerings 

In today's fast-paced world, we understand that accessing quality healthcare can be challenging, especially for lower-income families relying on SoonerCare (Medicaid). That's why we want to introduce you to the convenience of virtual visits, a modern solution that bridges the gap between busy lifestyles and essential healthcare. 

What is a Virtual Visit?

A virtual visit, also known as telehealth or telemedicine, is a revolutionary way to connect with healthcare professionals without leaving the comfort of your home. Instead of traveling to a physical location, you can consult with a doctor or nurse through video calls, phone calls, or even secure messaging. This digital approach allows for personalized and timely healthcare interactions, tailored to your needs. 

The Ease of Virtual Visits:

For lower-income families, navigating the challenges of transportation, work schedules, and childcare can make attending in-person medical appointments a daunting task. Variety Care recognizes these barriers and is making access to care easier. Patients now have the convenience of texting "TELEMED" to 405-632-6688 in order to easily switch their appointment to a virtual visit. This option is particularly useful if they encounter any issues on the day of their appointment, such as a flat tire or being unable to leave work. 

Virtual visits offer a lifeline by eliminating barriers, making it easier for you to prioritize your health. Here's why virtual visits are an excellent option for your busy lifestyle: 

  1. Convenience at Your Fingertips:
    With virtual visits, all you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer with internet access. This accessibility means you can connect with healthcare professionals from the comfort of your home or any location that suits you. There’s no need to spend time and money on transportation or take time off work.

    If you do not have internet access or a smart device, you might be eligible to receive one or both of those for free. Check out Assurance Wireless to learn more. 

  2. Flexible Scheduling: 

    Virtual visits provide the flexibility to schedule appointments that fit your life. Whether it's a quick consultation during your lunch break or in between work breaks, the convenience of virtual visits allows you to take control of your healthcare on your terms. 

  3. Reduced Wait Times: 

    Say goodbye to long waits in crowded waiting rooms. Virtual visits typically involve shorter wait times, allowing you to connect with a healthcare professional promptly. This not only saves you time but also ensures that you receive the care you need, when you need it. 

  4. Multilingual Support: 

    We understand the importance of clear communication in healthcare. Our virtual visits are designed to accommodate Spanish speakers, ensuring that language barriers don't stand in the way of you receiving the best care possible.

Why Choose Telehealth?

virtual visits offer undeniable convenience, it's essential to highlight the additional benefits that make telehealth an attractive option: 

  1. Continuity of Care: 

    Virtual visits enable you to maintain a consistent relationship with your healthcare provider. This continuity is crucial for managing chronic conditions, preventive care, and ongoing health concerns. Your medical history is readily accessible, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your health needs. 

  2. Cost-Effective: 

    For families on a tight budget, virtual visits can be a cost-effective solution. Without the need for transportation or childcare during appointments, you can save both time and money.  

  3. Peace of Mind: 

    In the current era, health and safety are paramount. Virtual visits minimize exposure to illnesses by allowing you to consult with healthcare professionals from the safety of your home, car or workplace. This is especially crucial for families with vulnerable members, or those concerned about the ongoing risks of in-person visits. 

We're Here for You, In-Person or Virtually: 

At Variety Care, we understand the importance of providing healthcare options that cater to your unique needs. While virtual visits offer unmatched convenience, we want to reassure you that we are always available in person. Some healthcare needs require an in-person examination, and we are committed to ensuring that you receive the comprehensive care you deserve.

By embracing the power of virtual visits, you are taking a proactive step towards prioritizing your health in a way that aligns with your lifestyle. Whether you choose the convenience of telehealth or prefer in-person visits, know that Variety Care is dedicated to serving you with quality care that addresses your individual needs. Together, let's break down barriers and build a healthier, happier community.